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St. Expedite Seven Day Vigil Candle

St. Expedite Seven Day Vigil Candle

Regular price $33.33 USD
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St. Expedite 

Expeditus (died 303) also known as Expedite, was said to have been a Roman centurion in Armenia who was martyred around April 303 in what is now Turkey, for converting to Christianity. Considered the patron saint of urgent causes, he is commemorated by the Catholic Church on 19 April.

Saint Expedite is patron saint over all urgent matters. He also goes by the name Saint Expeditus. He is also patron saint against procrastination. He is the saint of emergencies. He loves speed.Those who need a solution to a problem immediately may turn to Saint Expedite. Many turn to him when they are experiencing financial distress, when job hunting, or in relation to legal matters.

His feast day is April 19th.

Red is the color of speed. If you do not have a red candle, you can use a green or white candle.

Place these three objects in a triangular formation. Some claim the picture or statue should be placed in the back, the glass of water on the right and the red candle on the left.

Others place the picture or statue on the right, the candle on the left side and the glass of water in the front. Some place the candle in the back, at the top.

There is no right or wrong, but all agree on the triangle formation.

Light the candle, say your prayer and clearly state your need. You have to be specific and also set a time frame.

Finally you need to state what you give in return when your request is granted.

Best used on Wednesday 3am/pm. 7am/pm

  All original artwork copyright to ZOHBLLC 2022


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