Road Opening Oil
Road Opening Oil
The Road Opener oil, similar to the candle, has been made to clear the path to your highest good, beginning a new project, revealing hidden problems or issues, clearing negativity, and removing obstacles.
This Oil Contains the following- Yarrow, Garlic, ferns, Mint, Parsley, Rosehip, Valerian, Verbena, Abre Camino, Sandalwood, Lemon Balm, Five Finger Grass, High John the Conqueror, and a few other significant roads opening herbs/oils.
By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested, and that includes the herbs. By purchasing these products you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. Refunds or exchanges are not permitted.