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March Rituals

March Rituals

Regular price $33.33 USD
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Full Moon Ritual, we will release limiting beliefs, especially around having to prove yourself or explain your visions to others, and too much negative stimulation.

New Moon Ritual will then bring the intention to hone your psychic skills, increase your ability to have positive visions and dreams for your life, some positive downtime, and a calm mind. 

Love Spells will be cast  

Black Moon Ritual- Binding, Banishing and Cutting Cords


March Ritual Dates

3/1/22- Black Moon

3/2/22- New Moon

3/3/22- Triad Alignment (Holy Trinity)

3/15/22- Holy Spirit Baptism by Fire Candle Burn

3/18/22- Full Moon

3/20/22 Spring Equinox 

3/27/22- Venus in Pisces

3/30/22- Bury da Bitch

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