March 2024 New Moon Ritual
March 2024 New Moon Ritual
We are petitioning Arc Angels Michael, Gabriel, Handel, Jophiel and Sachiel.
Please select the day for petitioning.
Follow the directions for the bath and make sure to burn your candle. Amen.
3/20 Protection $45 I am petitioning Arc Angel Michael and Arc Angel Gaberiel
Uncross/Jinx Breaker/Curse Breaking $175
Petitioning Arc Angel Sachiel Money Spell $25
3/22/23- Petitioning Arc Angel Jophiel
Love Spells $275
Must pay by the date. Thank you.
Please follow these instructions
1. Take the bath and burn the candle I send you.
2. Read the scriptures from the Bible I send you.
3. Tithe or volunteer your time helping others.
4. Remove old things from your home. Clean the front door to bring in the blessing.
Then let go and let God (Elohim) move things in your favor. How God does it may not always be how you want. I wasn’t looking for my credit score to increase or to get approved for a credit card. That was unexpected but it was the amount of money I asked for you see. I asked for an amount and I received it in a different way than expected. It’s what I needed not exactly what I wanted but it helps me in ways you won’t understand.