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Kali Ma Goddess Candle

Kali Ma Goddess Candle

Regular price $13.00 USD
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Kali Ma: the divine mother, appears fearsome. Kali Ma goddess, the Divine Mother, the Dark Mother, the Terrible Mother. She is the Hindu goddess of time, creation, preservation, and destruction. As fearsome as she may appear, she is the most compassionate goddess  She rides a lion. 
Kali asks us to live for eternity, not merely for fleeting enjoyments or outer material gains.

Those seeking to bring the Divine Light into the world should worship Ma Kali.

Ma Kali as the supreme form of the Universal Mother absorbs her children back into her blissful embrace. She takes us across the deepest darkness to reach the highest light.


Tip: This goddess is a fan of sweets which makes a great offering.

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