Elohim, First Name - Genesis 1:1
The first name of God in the bible is Elohim. It is Elohim who created the heavens and the earth in Genesis 1:1. El is the root of the word, and used in the generic ‘god’, unless capitalized as the proper name, El or God. What I find most interesting about the use of Elohim is that this is the pluralized form of the word. The direct translation according to the above then would be ‘Gods’, yet perhaps a more accurate form would be ‘Trinity’. From the first verses recorded by Moses, God presents himself as ‘plural’. Perhaps this refers to a certain lack of finite. We are finite beings, with beginning and end (at least a physical end). He is more: he is plural.
This draws to mind the omnipresence of God as well. We cannot wrap our minds around the being that is simultaneously in more than one place at a time. In fact, He is in all places at all times, omni – present.
Let him be the light unto your pathway. Can be burned any day of the week. Place a glass of water next to the candle.
All original artwork copyright to ZOHBLLC 2022
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